A very warm welcome to the HowDoYouHeal Podcast!

I have created this podcast with the intention to assemble interviews with a colourful variety of healers, healing journeys, and healing approaches. In these conversations, we touch on very deep spiritual and philosophical questions! What IS healing? What is the goal of healing, is there even one? What are we? How can we live lives filled with joy, balance, connection, spirituality, and love?

This podcast is dedicated especially to those of you who are as new to spirituality and ‘light living’ as I was a little while ago. And to those who, like myself, have a very academic, businessy, or old-world professional background. Who maybe grew up without any connection to spirituality and alternative ways of healing.

It is also for everyone else who resonates with my energy and my intention of creating a new, loving earth: from our inside out. I hope our time together in this space will touch you, nourish you, and spark your curiosity in new ways.




01 Hannah Arnold

In this intro episode, Ellie Parkes from the UK interviews me about my background, my healing story, and energy healing. Ellie is the founder and editor of an amazing independent journal called ‘An Inkling’.

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02 Eyal Schwartz

In this episode, I talk to the eclectic healer and painter Eyal Schwartz from Israel about his own healing story, about how he heals, and about how distance healing works in his opinion. Enjoy this episode!

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03 Gwen Hustwit

Gwen Hustwit is a spiritual coach and life purpose expert. She believes that everyone is their own best healer. She helps professional and creative women to find their own path to happiness.

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

04 Mary Miller

In this episode, I talk to Mary Miller about Homeopathy and Natural Health. She specialises in supporting women emotionally and physically, from puberty through child birth to menopause, and beyond.

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