The Great Transformation: Shedding Our Earthly Emotions After Death
I once worked with an Italian healer who had lost her mother a month prior to our session. She did not have a particular topic to work on, and when I scanned her intuitively to be guided to where the healing should begin I saw her mother kind of shaking her from the side. Energetically, she was still ‘all over’ my client — who had worked intensely with her mother during her time of illness and in preparation for her death.
This beautiful older lady, as she showed herself to me, somewhere on her way between the planes of existence, definitely looked very Italian in her way of gesturing and talking at my client from the side. It was kind of funny to watch and my client laughed in recognition when I told her what I saw.
It is one of my 'specialities' as a healer to help my clients release stuck or repressed emotions from the past and also those emotions taken on from other people as their own. This tends to be a very transformative yet soft, beautiful process — not the uncontrolled explosion of anger and grief that people sometimes imagine and fear when they think of facing their emotions (a fear that in fact often leads to the suppression of emotions in the first place which is responsible for blocks in the emotional and physical bodies). To that date, however, I had never helped a human who was not in a physical body anymore release emotions!
It was clear to me that my client was linked not only to her mother but also to her rather exuberant emotional state. One by one, I identified the emotions using my clairsentience — feeling them myself, that is — and asked for them to be cleared from both. We also asked for a complete transformation and bringing to peace of this tough Italian lady's long time-line: healing, releasing, and balancing everything that could be healed, released, and balanced, in order to ensure the most harmonious and complete transition for her
Every step of the way, the Italian lady's behaviour, as I perceived it clairvoyantly, changed. While at first she had gestured and talked (without me hearing a word) in vivid Italian, she began to calm down and, in my vision, became less and less earthly. She also released her hold on her daughter. While their hearts were still connected in love and peace, all the drama and emotional confusion disappeared. More and more ethereal in frequency, I saw her get smaller and rise higher until she disappeared out of my view. It was so beautiful to witness, so peaceful, so natural, so divine.